
How is a trust hospital run?

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How is a trust hospital run?

The word ‘trust’ means the belief that somebody is good, honest, sincere etc. and will not try to harm or trick you. A hospital as a medical facility should be able to:

  • Offer medical treatment
  • Staff qualified, professional, experienced doctors
  • Offer 24/7 emergency care
  • Provide consultation & checkups
  • Employ research-oriented medical personnel

A trust hospital, in turn, does all of the above sincerely without causing harm or tricking you into spending more. A trust hospital has a better understanding of society at large and sees the need to do service where required. A trust hospital leverages the passion and courage of its people. These two traits differentiate a trust hospital from a private or a corporate hospital since it is set up to help helpless people. The hospital provides amenities for treating and managing diseases with the barest of expenses so that the underprivileged community can avail of its benefits. 

The focus of a trust hospital is on how good quality health care should lower the pocket expenditure of its patients. An associated consequence is that the underprivileged and the uncared are cared for properly. Such a hospital system should include both general aspects and specialised departments. Both are necessary when a patient comes to the hospital complaining about pain or discomfort, and a detailed evaluation leads to diagnosing a much bigger problem lying underneath. When a person of a lower strata needs expensive medical care, he shouldn’t run from one place to another. A trust hospital is always equipped with personnel and the necessary equipment to attend to these cases. However, it is imperative the medical facilities in terms of availability and location of such a hospital shouldn’t be uneven and abysmal.

Vasavi Hospital at reasonable and affordable prices 

The shortfalls in healthcare services, be it corporate or private, are mainly due to the expenses these healthcare providers incur. At the high end of the market, we see a private-sector hospital offering state-of-art services. They are commonly called the ‘five-star hospitals’. These hospitals have a constant burden of money problems, met with overfilling, unnecessary procedures and diagnostic tests. Such practices remain unchecked because of weak regulatory systems, and trust erodes in such places. 

Vasavi Hospital has no referral system unless the attending doctor feels referring to another specialist is the last option. We pride ourselves on the ease of approaching the doctor, not having any inhibitions and feeling comfortable talking to our doctors. We are also very particular about the behavioural competence of the personal involvement of the doctor. At its core, the simplicity of the treatment and diagnosis process in and by itself stands true to how we can offer the necessary medical services to the underprivileged at much lower prices. Also, we own the diagnostic equipment. It is the advantage of getting the test done right then and there instead of waiting for two days for an MRI result. 

The most minimal anticipation when visiting a healthcare facility is to treat well, be it to treat the person as one and also treat the problem the person has. An emotionally empathetic doctor assessing the patient will save time and energy than a doctor wanting to complete so many given cases in a day and meet his target. This treatment threshold is the most common, whether one is from the marginalised sector or the upper-income strata - those with access to resources and medical advice. It separates Vasavi Hospital from the others - this is also why we can offer our healthcare services at reasonable and affordable prices. 

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